In this article:
- Yanfei is a half-adeptus and half-human hybrid who has dedicated her life to serving the nation of Liyue by being the best lawyer she can be.
- If you add her to your party, her versatile skillset makes her suited to be anything from a single target attacker to a healer.
- Yanfei’s Scarlet Seals decrease her Stamina Consumption, allowing you to attack for longer than you normally would be able to with other catalysts.
- We recommend Kagura’s Verity as the 5-Star Best In Slot Weapon for Yanfei.
Genshin Impact’s Yanfei is currently one of the game’s strongest single-target DPS characters despite being a 4-star.
Though 4-star characters in gacha games are typically underpowered and clunkier to play, Yanfei’s smooth animations turn killing hillichurls and Mirror Maiden’s into a fun game of volleyball because of how quickly she can swap from throwing short normal attacks to dropping heavy charge attacks.
This makes the top legal expert of Liyue one of the easiest DPS characters to play as her low skill ceiling allows new players to quickly study her best rotations. But like in any game, it takes more than just a few random pieces of gear and button mashing to get the most out of your Yanfei.
Yanfei 101: An Overview of the Top Legal Expert of Liyue

If you play Genshin Impact and you haven’t met Yanfei yet, you’re looking at none other than the top legal expert of Liyue. This half-adeptus and half-human hybrid has dedicated her life to serving the nation of Liyue by being the best lawyer she can be.
Like other powerful adepti, Yanfei is good by nature and strives to balance the interests of her clients with legal justice and her own sense of morality. When she isn’t serving Liyue as a lawyer, she goes on adventures with us, the Travelers, as we journey through Liyue.
She brings a lot of things to the table should you choose to add her to your party. The unique advantages of her kit make her well-suited for the following roles:
- Single target attacker: Yanfei’s single and charged attacks allow for a string of three normal attacks (also called “auto attacks” or AA) that can be ended with a charged attack. Built properly, she can reach up to 30-40,000k damage per charged attack when the attack is a critical hit and is combined with the Melt reaction. Both her elemental skill (E) and elemental burst (Q) are designed to buff her normal and charged attack damage.
- Main damage dealer: Yanfei’s long elemental skill cooldown but strong normal attacks make her an ideal main damage dealer since you can keep her attacking on the field as you wait for her cooldown to finish. Afterward, you can swap her out to apply other elements before returning to her. Since she’s a Pyro unit, she can be paired with another Pyro unit to obtain the Pyro resonance bonus which increases ATK by 25%.
- Pyro applier: As a Pyro character, Yanfei can be used for applying Pyro when another element is active. The best results are often from Melt (Pyro + Cryo) and Vaporize (Hydro + Pyro) as neither result in the knockback effect of Overload yet retain a high damage ceiling.
- Healer: Yanfei is a catalyst character meaning that she only deals elemental damage. Though the catalyst class is noted for its high stamina consumption and lower resistance to damage, her catalyst status lets her double as a healer with the Prototype Amber weapon.
- Shielder: All of Yanfei’s constellations are geared toward buffing her damage, but her 4th constellation (C4) Supreme Amnesty creates a shield that absorbs damage, protecting Yanfei and her team members. The shield absorbs up to 75% of her maximum health and lasts for 15 seconds. Paired with Prototype Amber, this makes her a good Pyro sub-DPS and support for some teams.
When building your Yanfei, you want to prioritize her Normal Attacks, Pyro Damage, Attack stat, Crit Rate to Crit Damage ratio, and Pyro Reactions.
What Are Yanfei’s Talents, Priority Talents, and Stat Priorities?

Yanfei has six talents. The first three can be upgraded to Level 10 with a Crown of Insight (AKA “crowning” a character). If you have additional constellations, you can get the talents leveled up to 13, giving you additional damage over the max damage typically available through leveling.
Yanfei Genshin Impact Active Talents
Yanfei has three active talents: Seal of Approval, Signed Edict, and Done Deal. All of her active talents revolve around buffing damage dealt via normal and charged attacks with the Scarlet Seal system.

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- Seal of Approval (Normal. Charged, and Plunging Attacks): Yanfei shoots fireballs that deal Pyro damage. Each hit that strikes an enemy grants her a scarlet seal that decreases stamina consumption but will disappear if she leaves the field.
- Signed Edict (Elemental Skill): Yanfei deals AOE Pyro damage in the area she’s facing, dropping a large Xiezhi seal on her enemies. This also automatically gives her all three scarlet seals provided the AOE damage hits three enemies minimum at the same time.
- Done Deal (Elemental Burst): Provides a quick burst of AOE pyro damage that leaves a Pyro aura on enemies. It also gives Yanfei Brilliance, an effect that gradually adds scarlet seals to her while you wait for Signed Edict to become active. Naturally, it also increases her charged attack damage.
Yanfei’s Scarlet Seals decrease her Stamina Consumption, allowing you to attack for longer than you normally would be able to with other catalysts.
This is usually what people mean when they say she isn’t “clunky” to play as the lower stamina consumption makes it possible for her to dodge damage without losing pace in a fight.
Three scarlet seals can be activated by default but her sixth constellation (C6) Extra Clause gives you an additional fourth seal.
Yanfei Genshin Impact Passive Talents
Yanfei’s passive talents give you access to additional resources and detecting capabilities similar to that of Ningguang and Qiqi.
- Encyclopedic Expertise: She can locate Liyue specialties in the area and display them on your mini-map.
- Proviso: At Ascension 1, she unlocks Proviso, a passive talent that increases the damage of the scarlet seals by five percent after the first seal is consumed. Note that the buff remains 5% all throughout for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th seal as the effect will not stack.
- Blazing Eye: At Ascension 4, she unlocks Blazing Eye, a skill that gives her charged attacks an AOE Pyro damage effect equivalent to 80% of her Attack stat if she makes a critical hit.
Yanfei Genshin Impact Talent Priority and Stat Priority

Yanfei’s priority stats are Attack, Crit Damage, and Crit Ratio. While she is primarily a Pyro damage dealer, her Pyro damage scales off of her ATK stat as you’ve seen in the talents mentioned above.
Additionally, her Crit Damage and Crit Ratio should be prioritized because she’s designed to be built as a traditional DPS like Hutao and Ayato.
Unlike a character like Kazuha, who is designed to scale off EM without needing crit stats, Yanfei cannot be maximized without a Crit Ratio that ensures she has around a 50% chance of hitting crit. That said, you don’t have to stress this too much since even a less than ideal Crit Ratio (not 1:3 or 1:2) only deals a fraction less damage.
Just try to give her a healthy balance of around 1,500 Attacks and a 30-40% Crit Rate to 150+% Crit Damage and you’ll be fine.

Another stat you might want to look into is Energy Recharge as she barely generates particles for her 80 Energy Cost Burst despite the amount being one of the highest in the game.
If you have at least C4, you could also focus on her HP to turn her into a shielder that provides Pyro resonance with another Pyro support like Xiangling or Bennet.
As for Yanfei’s Talents, prioritize AA> Elemental Skill > Elemental Burst regardless of the build. This is because even a support Yanfei will not benefit from a prioritized E or Q skill since her shield is built into her Constellation, not her stats or skills.
What Weapons Should Yanfei Have?

Thankfully, Yanfei’s weapon options are fairly straightforward, but the weapon you pick is a chance to balance out the artifact rolls you get from the game.
If you haven’t been playing for long, here’s some bad news: You will never know what stats you get with an artifact. This means that you may never get the perfect build purely by chance.
A weapon’s stats lets you compensate for that. Bad Elemental Mastery and a long cooldown? Sacrificial Fragments. Low attack? Most 5-star catalysts barring the Everlasting Moonglow. Low Crit Rate or Crit Damage? Solar Pearl provides extra Crit Ratio while The Widsith and Kagura’s Verity brings Crit Damage to the table.
We recommend Kagura’s Verity as the 5-Star Best In Slot Weapon for Yanfei.

The weapon provides two of Yanfei’s most needed stats, ATK and Crit Damage, in one weapon. It also buffs the damage dealt by a character with their elemental skill, the same skill that Yanfei is reliant on.
Since both the scarlet seals and the Kagura’s Dance effects revolve around a 3 stack system, you won’t have a hard time keeping track of effects.

If you’re a free-to-play player, the next best weapon is Dodoco Tales, a limited-time weapon from the Midland Island Adventure 1.6 patch event because it buffs normal and charged attacks.
If you don’t have Dodoco Tales, The Widsith provides elemental buffs and has a Crit Damage second stat.
For a healer and shielder Yanfei, go with Prototype Amber which lets her heal teammates while buffing the defensive capabilities of her shield by giving her more HP to scale on.
What Artifacts Should I Use for Yanfei?

There are four things to keep in mind about Yanfei as you pick out her artifacts: pyro damage, charged and normal attacks, elemental reactions, and health. Her ideal artifacts ultimately come down to which set has the best stats, but these are the ones you should consider:
- Wanderer’s Troupe: 2-Piece Set increases Elemental Master and 4-Piece Set buffs charged attack damage. Ideally, you want the 4-piece Set Bonus. This is the most efficient artifact set to use for Yanfei as Wanderer’s Troupe can be gained while farming for other talent materials.
- Crimson Witch of Flames: 2-Piece Set provides a +15% Pyro Damage Bonus and 4-Piece Set Bonus increases Pyro reaction damage. This is the strongest artifact set for her but is inefficient in terms of resin since you risk getting Lavawalker artifacts.
- Shimenawa’s Resistance: 2-Piece Set Bonus gives an ATK increase of +18% while the 4-Piece Set increases Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attack DMG by 50% for 10 seconds in exchange for consuming burst energy.
- Tenacity of the Millelith: 2-Piece Set gives a +20% HP bonus while the 4-Piece Set gives other party members an ATK increase by 20% and their Shield Strength is increased by 30% for 3s. This effect can be triggered once every 0.5s. This effect can still be triggered even when the character who is using this artifact set is not on the field.
Alternatively, you can equip her with any of the 2-Piece ATK Bonus artifacts to give her two ATK Bonus effects.
Team Compositions for Yanfei: Elements, Roles, and More

As a Pyro unit, Yanfei benefits from Pyro Resonance when paired with another Pyro character. If she’s the DPS, you might want to pair her with Bennet so she can have a healer or Xiangling so she can have additional damage from off-field.
Another favorite pairing is Yanfei and Xingqiu as Xingqiu’s burst gives Yanfei access to constant Hydro application for the Vaporize reaction. You may substitute Xingqiu with Yelan, Ayato, and Mona who can all provide off-field Hydro application.
Yanfei can also be paired with Rosaria whose burst applies AOE Cryo damage, giving Yanfei a lot of room to trigger Melt.