
What People in 1923 Thought 2023 Would Be Like Versus How It Really Is Now

With the advent of new AI technologies, many of us are predicting (and worrying) about the impact these can have on the way we structure society and distribute resources over the years.  

Back in 1923, experts in technology, engineering, and sociology-related fields were predicting massive changes in how society would operate in 2023.

How many predictions could have been true and which ones came true in a way people in 1923 didn’t expect?

No More Hard Work by 2023

Contrary to Dr. Charles Steinmetz's and economist John Maynard Keynes' predictions, we’re actually working more hours than ever as work begins to encroach on private life.

Women Will Shave Their Heads, Men Will Wear Curls

This prediction may have been set a little too late. Reports say that some women were shaving their heads during the 2020 quarantines.

Radio Will Replace Gasoline as a Power Source by 2023

As of 2023, this prediction is far from coming true. The total fuel consumption of commercial airlines in 2022 was 60 billion gallons.

No More Beauty Contests in 2023

While Toddlers & Tiaras was finally canceled in 2013, we still have beauty contests today such as Miss Universe which had its 71st competition on January 14, 2023.

Life Expectancy Will Increase

Life expectancy has been rapidly increasing worldwide, according to Our World In Data, with life expectancy having more than doubled since 1900 to over 70 years old.

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