Reconnecting With Your Spiritual Side by Leaving Your Religion?

What Religious Deconstruction Is and What It’s Like According to People Who’ve Gone Through It

What if you come to realize that the religion you’ve always been part of is no longer in alignment with your personal values?

Enter religious deconstruction, an approach to disentangling yourself from your current religion to give you space to figure out what you really feel and think about your faith.

Religious deconstruction, sometimes called ‘faith deconstruction’, is the process of dismantling your religious experiences and beliefs.

What Is Religious Deconstruction?

This is done to identify why you no longer feel connected with the views and practices of your current religion.

For many people who go through the process of religious deconstruction, it happens because they realize that their religion’s values no longer align with their values.

At its early stages, religious deconstruction can feel like being stuck between fear and grief. Fear that you’re losing the one thing you’ve believed so far.

One of the most common reasons for people to deconstruct their religious beliefs is a change in perspective.

What Makes People Want to Deconstruct Their Religious Beliefs?

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