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What Is Parachute Science?: How Neo-Colonialism Influences Research and Authorship et al.

Whether you’re an academic or just a regular person who went to college one time, you can likely understand why being credited as simply ‘et al.’ can make someone feel invisible. 

But what about the cases where people who contribute substantially to a study –  are not properly credited as co-authors?

What Parachute Science Means

In the figurative sense, you can imagine it as researchers from who-knows-where dropping down on locals and locales to quickly gather up data and leave.

But isn’t that what researchers are supposed to do?’ You might ask, and while that’s true, parachute science sticks out for its parasitic approach to gathering that data.

Whether it’s a conservation study, a look into local languages, or an exploration of a nation’s biodiversity, parachute science extracts the knowledge of locals and does not give them credit.

How Parachute Science Hurts Locals and Locales

By monopolizing credit, parachute scientists close the doors for local researchers to receive more opportunities in their field.

Parachute science only allows local researchers a subordinate role despite the studies taking place on their home soil with the guidance provided by local experts.

A Parachute That Cushions Everybody’s Fall

The European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership funds clinical research in African countries by supporting the local research facilities.

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