Should You Cut Off Toxic Family Members, Friends, and Exes? — Experts and People Who’ve Gone No Contact Weigh In

We all want to fix situations with people we genuinely care about and/or have long-standing connections with, but sometimes these people don't value the relationship as much as we do.

If that’s been happening to you with people you feel you should have a better relationship with, it may be time to go no contact.

Why Would You Consider Going No Contact?

Going no contact was popularized as a method of getting over former romantic partners. The basic idea is to have zero contact with a former partner.

It's much easier to do with an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend. But it's not so easy when it’s a family member who you want to be able to depend on.

The reason why it may be hard to go figure out why you want to go no contact is because of lingering expectations of what the relationship should be like.

How Can Going No Contact Benefit You?

The obvious and primary benefit of going no contact is that it gives you space to process what you feel and focus on your healing.

Often, we find ourselves emotionally dragging our feet because we think back on fond memories and the hopes we have for a relationship.

What Are the Drawbacks of Going No Contact?

Going no contact will change your relationship dynamics with someone, whether they’re a parent, partner, or friend, drastically.

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