Learn How to Paint This 2023, Yes, Even With the Singularity Right Around the Corner

If you find the process of making something is rewarding on its own, who cares whether it’s still “worth it” to learn how to paint?

Today, we’ll be talking about how to get started with painting this 2023 even with the singularity right around the corner.

Your paint of choice is what artists call a “medium”. Basically, your medium can be acrylic paint, watercolor, tempera, oil paint, etc.

The Materials You’ll Need to Learn How to Paint

The easiest paint to use when you’re learning how to paint is acrylic paint. It dries quickly, blends easily, and with a little dilution, you can get it to look more like watercolor

These methods for learning how to paint are chosen to get you comfortable with the idea of making things first and really, just enjoying that process.

3 Methods That Won’t Scare You Into Imposter Syndrome

Method 1: Follow Bob Ross Videos

One thing about Bob Ross’ videos that you’ll have to watch out for though are the surprise mountain details he draws randomly.

If you pay attention while completing your paint-by-number kit, you may even pick up a thing or two about what colors go well together.

Method 2: Pick up a Paint by Numbers Kit

The internet is an international university that’s literally right at your finger tips. You can easily follow channels dedicated to teaching absolute beginners how to paint.

Method 3: Follow a Painter on YouTube

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