
It’s Time to Change the Way We Think About Food Advertisements

Every year, marketing forces define what foods are viewed as popular to children and adolescents without providing nutritional information.

If the amount of unhealthy food advertisements to which children are exposed does not decrease, the percentage of childhood obesity will only go up.

Food Advertisements: From Problem to Policy

In the United States, food and beverage advertisements contribute to childhood obesity.

Health statistics make clear that we need to place a cap on these advertisements and do something similar to what is already being done in the United Kingdom (U.K).

In an effort to curb obesity, Bloomberg wrote of a plan implemented by the U.K. government which bans television advertisements of foods high in sugar before 9 pm.

The Children’s Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative was created in 2007 for advertising companies to only advertise what met the strict nutrition criteria set by the initiative.

The Status Quo

Unfortunately, most of the companies which pledged to its initiative still advertised nutritionally deficient food.

Parents can join advocacy organizations to implement healthy school lunches and limit their child’s exposure time to television; however, none of these options are enough to solve the overall problem.


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