Could Kanye West’s Recent Disturbing Behavior Put Him in a Conservatorship?

As provocative as his comments were, Kanye West has always sided with unpopular, dangerous, and conspiratorial opinions. And he isn’t shy to express them.

Due to his most recent troubling comments and actions, many people are seriously worried for  Kanye West.

A conservatorship is a court order in which a person, is appointed a guardian to oversee their medical decisions, and financial affairs.

Why a Conservatorship May Not Happen for Ye

Kanye West is unlikely to consent to such an arrangement that would put someone else in charge of his personal, medical, and financial decisions.

More importantly, there really isn’t anyone in Kanye’s life to want to seek a conservatorship for him, let alone be his conservator.

Sadly, his mother Donda West died in 2007. Kanye doesn’t have close family relatives to step in to request conservatorship from the court.

The biggest difference between his case and Britney’s is that it is unlikely Kanye will ever agree to a conservatorship, while Britney essentially did.

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