Video games will include anything from graceful cooking to macabre torture, but the one common aspect of human life they keep tiptoeing around will always be sex. You can thank odd (or even outdated) laws and social stigmas for that. Thankfully, sex predates laws and society. That’s why sex mods are always inevitable, at least for any game that can be modded.
These sex mods can range from nude mods to fully-blown digital recreations of coitus, complete with control inputs and lifelike animations. Not all games are like this, of course; some have frameworks too rigid to be molded by the game’s curious community.
Those that allow the most complex sex mods, however, are bound to be immortalized in the annals of gaming history– with certain titles even far outliving their relevance decades later just because a certain part of the community keeps coming back for more.
The following games allow that kind of flexibility for sex mods.
Updated with more popular games because we love you.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Going long and strong now with its 17 different release dates (technically) over 12 years since its original release, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim currently has one of the most imaginative and expansive sex mods communities in gaming. That’s what happens if you allow people to overhaul your whole game.
Skyrim SexLab (SSL) is your go-to sex mod here, as it’s a framework that allows for some fluid and highly varied animations. It has plugins for prostitution, pregnancy, group activities (with NPCs), and gameplay integrations.
You can practically turn Skyrim into Game of Thrones with the SexLab framework mod and its plugins or add-ons. And the best part is that there are community instructions available to make installation as painless as possible (though it’s still a monumental process for most people).
Most of what’s included in SexLab, however, was somehow a little too tame or vanilla for a certain subset of the adult modding community. So other framework sex mods existed, such as Estrus to indulge in your fetishistic Japanese porn sensibilities or the ambitious OSex, which introduces intimate and cinematic intercourse in the game, complete with magic shenanigans.
Surprisingly, getting these mods to work, along with their complementary cosmetic or body-altering mods, can be a fun activity in itself in which you might find yourself sinking hundreds of hours. Just be sure to pick Skyrim: Special Edition for a more updated game engine.
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Before Skyrim’s modding capacity took the crown as the most versatile platform for sex mods in gaming, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion had already enjoyed a bustling adult modding community. However, the limited technology for Oblivion meant clunkier animations and fewer plugins or less ambitious sex mods.
Still, for a game released back in 2006, what the adult modding community could do with Oblivion was the stuff of (wet) dreams. Back then, the best framework sex mod for Oblivion was LoversLab or Lovers with PK. Loverslab has since become a fully-fledged adult modding community on its own, pioneered by Oblivion sex mods.
The Sims 4
What made sex mods so janky in both Oblivion and Skyrim was the fact that the game didn’t have the bones or the scaffolding for its animations. Meanwhile, we have games like The Sims 4, where sex is already integrated (though heavily censored) into the gameplay via WooHoo.
It was low-hanging fruit for creative and talented modders, so it was only a matter of time before The Sims 4 was given its own framework sex mod called Wicked Whims. The animations are buttery smooth, and they integrate well into gameplay.
You can even get creative with Wicked Whims and introduce some daring and risque scenarios for your sims. You can also make the Grim Reaper your baby daddy– he won’t mind. This is one of the most intricate custom content for The Sims 4.
Fallout 4
Like Skyrim, Fallout 4 was no stranger to mod versatility– it’s practically Skyrim with guns and nukes from the same developers, anyway. Hence, there are numerous sex mods for Fallout 4, and nearly all of them take full advantage of the setting– even though it’s not exactly the most ideal or romantic backdrop for some sexy time.
You can almost imagine the pain of those crotch radiation burns, though the lack of clean clothing is easily fixed with some clothing mods.
Still, some talented animators have chipped in and introduced some impressive sex minigames and positioning tools to help immerse the players. And Fallout 4’s better modding potential compared to Skyrim makes the sex mods feel more modern.
Fallout: New Vegas
Fallout 3 is also a good candidate here, but both that one and the more updated Fallout: New Vegas share almost the same modding framework and plugins. And you’re better off going with Fallout: New Vegas if you have intentions to mod it extensively.
In any case, New Vegas can get a bit clunky as well, much like The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion due to the older game engine.
The most common and most accessible sex mod framework here is Sexout which comes with accompanying creative plugins from maternity packs to sex quests or even new companions with their own questlines.
Conan Exiles
Conan Exiles is more of a brutal survival game and less of an RPG (at least when compared to Bethesda titles here), but its community still managed to spawn a dedicated sex mod that completes the atmosphere. After all, the Hyborian Age mythos is liberal and mature in its portrayal of sexuality.
Besides, full-frontal nudity–complete with genitalia is already featured in Conan Exiles by default. The sex mod was just begging to be added at that point.
And wouldn’t you know it, the playful modders named the sex mod ‘Conan Sexiles.’ It’s an old mod, sadly, and the controls or animations here are not smooth compared to more moddable games like Skyrim. But in true Hyborian Age fashion, you can’t be picky.
These sex mod names are getting fancier, and you can probably guess what the mod authors named RimWorld’s dedicated sex mod.
The mod’s called ‘RimJobWorld’ for those who are too pure for this world.
RimWorld is the space colonizer version of The Sims, and naturally, there’s an inherent reproduction mechanic here to ensure that you get a steady population increase. Because it’s a management simulation game, and you need people to manage.
So, the creators of ‘RimJobWorld’ came up with this mod which adds some animations and sex as another need for your colonists. There are also more “hardcore” and playful sex tweaks included in the mod that you can hopefully ignore or exclude.
Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord
Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord is a hardcore sandbox medieval RPG and simulator where you can practically become anyone you want in the Middle Ages, from bandit to king– or even merchant if you prefer a more peaceful life.
To make that medieval larping more realistic or more akin to Game of Thrones and its historical inspirations, here’s a sex mod for it; it’s called Hot Butter.
Actually, here’s another sex mod if you prefer 2D art and leave the belly-bumping to imagination. It’s not as fleshed out (pun intended) as other sex mods here, but not a bad thing to have to make your Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord playthroughs less grindy or sterile.
Stardew Valley
Look, even a game as cozy and as pure as Stardew Valley already has a bustling NSFW artist commission community in Twitter– sorry, ‘X’. Its characters are too pretty for a lot of people. So it’s only fair to expect a sex mod for Stardew Valley. It’s called Xtardew Valley.
Animations are similar to RimWorld’s sex mod– complete with 16-bit animations, and there are even dialog prompts to make the deed more immersive. Another notable mod would be Valley Girls and it turns Stardew Valley into Jersey Shore, which isn’t as bad as it sounds. The adult content in Valley Girls is more vivid and overt.
Regardless of which mod you pick for Stardew Valley, they’re perfect for unwinding after a hard work at the caves and mines.
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
San Andreas will always be the GTA game that its developers loved the most, considering how much quality content they packed into it. They even went the extra mile and created a sex feature which they eventually axed out of the game prior to release.
However, this didn’t stop some curious gamers from looking into the files and reactivating those sex features using a mod. It’s the notorious Hot Coffee Mod or minigame that put developers in hot water due to its legal implications.
That didn’t stop modders from bringing back the sex minigame in their copies and installations. Turns out you can’t suppress that kind of curiosity.
St sec
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