Tarot card of the year readings are everywhere this January, but did you know your zodiac sign has a fixed tarot card it corresponds to? Occult practices like tarot and astrology speak the same symbolic language which is why it comes as no surprise that certain tarot cards correspond to zodiac signs and elements. Nicholas de Vore’s Encyclopedia of Astrology equates the cardinal signs with the primary elements of fire, water, earth, and air, which are all encompassed in the 21st and last card of the major arcana, The World.
Before you get to The World though, you have to start your journey through the other tarot cards. With the start of the year, we’re all beginning a new adventure through the cycles of our lives just as card zero, The Fool, is does at the start of every tarot deck. It’s by picking up the lessons of the following cards during the Fool’s Journey that the Fool โ that’s us โ develops a more nuanced understanding of the world and themselves.
Your zodiac sign’s corresponding card and tarot card for 2023 can serve as a touchstones for the events of the coming months. As Benebell Wen, a corporate lawyer and author of Holistic Tarot, puts it, “Tarot reading gives you a story through which to see the world.”
Your Tarot Card of the Year by Sign
Aries Tarot Card of 2023: Five of Cups

Aries, not a lot of people would guess that under your tough exterior and steely bravado lie feelings of disappointment as found in Five of Cups. The cardinal fire sign of Aries corresponds to the Emperor, a major arcana card that embodies leadership. While you may feel pressured to keep up appearances to achieve your goals and support the people you love, it’s okay to acknowledge that sometimes, you get tired too. Take the time to reach out to loved ones and express your emotional needs.
Taurus Tarot Card of 2023: Two of Swords
The fixed earth sign Taurus loves security and stability which is why many Taurus signs are good at creating environments where these two things come in abundance. However, your love of stability may also point to a fear of change, especially when that change is unpredictable. Taurus’ corresponding major arcana card, the Hierophant, favors your preference for maintaining status quos and sticking to what’s comfortable, but this 2023, Two of Swords is inviting you to make a difficult decision that can lead you to a breakthrough moment.
Gemini Tarot Card of 2023: Six of Wands
Gemini is a very passionate sign with a love of people and ideas which is why it corresponds to The Lovers, the major arcana card that’s all about alignment, cohesion, and perfect unity. With Six of Wands as your tarot card of the year, your ability to connect with people and intellectual aptitude are winning you admiration and love. You’re not celebrating alone โ others are celebrating with you!
Cancer Tarot Card of 2023: Queen of Pentacles

As they say on the internet these days, how the turn tables. Read anything for Cancer on the internet and it’s often going to revolve around Cancer’s soft feelings and domestic temperament. Not this 2023! According to numerology, 2023 aligns with the seventh card of the major arcana, The Chariot which is Cancer’s corresponding tarot card. Symbolizing victory and directed will power, The Chariot together with your 2023 card Queen of Pentacles, the card of abundance, means you are in a position to have your cake and eat it too.
Leo Tarot Card of 2023: The Empress
Unsurprisingly, fixed fire sign Leo is represented by the major arcana card Strength. Unlike the overt power shown by The Chariot, Strength is really more about fortitude and tenacity which lines up nicely with Leo’s tarot card of the year, The Empress. 2023 can be the year you channel your Strength beyond yourself by embodying The Empress and using your abundant energy to nurture others from a place of power.
Virgo Tarot Card of 2023: The Sun

The mutable earth sign Virgo is often stereotyped as perfectionists and not without reason. Virgos are very detail oriented and their criticalness of others doesn’t hold a candle to the criticalness they tend to have for themselves. But like Cancer with The Chariot, Virgo’s corresponding tarot card The Hermit seems nothing like them but the Hermit is about turning all that “perfectionist” energy inward to reflect thoughtfully, not just critically, on the events of your life. With Virgo’s card of the year being The Sun, it may be openess to your inner message that brings you renewed vitality and childlike happiness this year.
Libra Tarot Card of 2023: Four of Wands
The cardinal air sign of Libra is represented by scales which can be found in the hand of its corresponding tarot card, Justice. Fair-minded Libra and its truth-seeking card is by its tarot card of the year, Four of Wands which speaks of the harmonious social life that 2023 has in store for you.

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Scorpio Tarot Card of 2023: King of Swords
Scorpios are fixed water signs whose astrological house is associated with death. Naturally, Scorpio’s corresponding tarot card is Death which speaks of renewal and transformation. Possessing the King of Swords as your tarot card of the year means you’ll have the mental clarity and power of insight to cut through the noise of what others have to say about you and old patterns, abandoning what no longer works to make way for what will.
Sagittarius Tarot Card of 2023: King of Wands

Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign known for its adaptability, love of adventure, courage, and optimism. This makes Sagittarius great for strong beginnings but its corresponding tarot card Temperance is a reminder to temper passion with inner peace and steady diligence just like an archer patiently aiming. That lesson is crystallizing for you this year with your tarot card of 2023 being the King of Wands. While the suit of wands is associated with fire and creative power, the King of Wands isn’t just a man of ideas but a man of action. He knows what he wants to create and has a plan to make it happen and he’s you.
Capricorn Tarot Card of 2023: Four of Pentacles
Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign which makes it a surprise for people to realize that they have a wild and self-indulgent side to them that few people get to see. Capricorn’s tarot card is the Devil which may sound ominous but really just symbolizes material pleasure and indulgence (as well as their dangers). Capricorn’s ambition means they get a lot of their earthly desires and with Four of Pentacles as your card of the year, you’ve secured your grip on the material things that make you happy. The only thing it asks is for you to not feel afraid of losing it all so you can relax and truly enjoy your triumph.
Aquarius Tarot Card of 2023: Two of Cups

Aquarius is a fixed air sign associated with humanitarian interests and the major arcana card The Star, symbolizing new hope and resurgence that comes after the destruction of The Tower, the card that comes before it in tarot. Because Two of Cups is your tarot card of the year, you are forging and strengthening intimate relationships with others, whether they be platonic or romantic in nature. Whichever it is, Two of Cups points to it being emotionally fulfilling for you.
Pisces Tarot Card of 2023: The High Priestess
Being a mutable water sign, Pisces is often recognized for its emotional intelligence and ability to adapt to social environments and other people’s emotional states. It corresponds to the tarot card The Moon, a card of hidden truths and intuition. Your 2023 tarot card The High Priestess is an invitation to tap into your subconscious and acknowledge the things you already know to be true but find difficult to face in order to have more clarity in your life.
With that all said, tarot cards are not a guarantee of your future but are instead a psychological mirror that uses symbols to help you dig into your deepest thoughts and feelings. You can learn more about the uses of tarot for self-reflection and enrichment through Tarot Reading as Self Care: How to Use Tarot Cards for Self Discovery.