Star Wars Rebels, a beloved animated series, has left an indelible mark on the Star Wars universe, albeit with a belated payoff for the fans. The show introduced us to a group of characters who became the backbone of the early Rebel Alliance. With the ongoing Disney+ series Ahsoka, the Star Wars Rebels characters have already elevated their lesser-known canon to new relevance in the Star Wars lore.
So sit back and put this article at the ready while watching Disney+. We’ll explore the key characters from Star Wars Rebels and their anticipated roles in Ahsoka, in case you’re wondering what happened to them.
1. Bendu – The Force’s Neutral Center
In Star Wars Rebels, Kanan Jarrus sought solace and guidance from Bendu, an enigmatic Force-sensitive creature. Bendu, a giant moose/bear-like alien creature, proclaimed himself the “center of the Force” and remained neutral in the conflict between Jedi and Sith.
Bendu’s wisdom and unique connection to the Force played a pivotal role in Kanan and Ezra’s training. His appearances in Ahsoka could shed further light on his mysterious nature. Presumably, Bendu remained where he was in his cozy little neutral spot, away from the conflict of the Jedi and Sith.
2. Captain Rex and Wolffe – Clone Survivors
Captain Rex, a respected and independent clone trooper, and Wolffe, known for his distinctive mutton chops, were two surviving clone soldiers who joined forces with the Ghost crew.
Rex, a trusted friend of Ahsoka Tano, had his inhibitor chip removed by her, while Wolffe, despite his scars, proved his loyalty to the Rebellion. Their involvement in Ahsoka might reveal more about their post-Rebels journeys.
Rex eventually went on to fight with Hera at the Battle of Endor, gaining his esteemed rank of commander once more. Sadly, clones tend to have a short life span due to degrading genetic material, so it’s likely Captain Rex might have aged faster than most other characters.
3. Chopper and AP-5 – The Droid Duo
Chopper, the sarcastic astromech droid, and AP-5, the grumpy former Imperial RA-7 protocol droid, were integral to the Ghost crew’s success. Chopper, despite his ornery disposition, was a dedicated member, and AP-5 served the Rebellion ably.
Chopper thankfully appeared on Rogue One, which precedes the events of Ahsoka. Afterward, he continued serving the Specters and would remain by Hera’s side, aiding her in restoring the Republic.
4. Ezra Bridger – The Missing Jedi
Ezra Bridger, a young Force-sensitive orphan, was trained by Kanan Jarrus and became a hero during the events of Star Wars Rebels. He’s the main hero of Star Wars Rebels and someone whose existence was pivotal to the survival of the Jedi Order.
His journey took a dark turn briefly, but he ultimately embraced the light side of the Force. Ezra’s fate has been shrouded in mystery since he vanished along with Grand Admiral Thrawn.
Ahsoka has already delved into his disappearance and the challenges he faces in the far reaches of the galaxy.
5. Zeb – The Team Mentor
His rough exterior betrays his warm and helpful personality, and Zeb was considered one of the most important mentors for the Ghost crew in Star Wars Rebels. More importantly, his role was crucial in Ezra’s development and well-being.
As one of the few adults in the Star Wars Rebels series who mostly accompanies the Ghost crew, Zeb’s combat experience is an invaluable goldmine for the rebel youngsters.
After Rebels, Zeb went on to fight for the New Republic, as seen in the events of The Mandalorian. So he’s alive and kicking (the Empire’s butt).
6. Hera Syndulla – The Fearless Leader
Hera Syndulla, the Twi’lek leader of the Ghost crew, was an essential figure in the early Rebellion. Her dedication, leadership, and piloting skills were instrumental in the fight against the Empire, and it became apparent that she was destined for greater roles.
In Ahsoka, we can witness Hera’s continued commitment to the New Republic, as well as her role as a mother to her son, Jacen. She’s currently a general of the New Republic, though the faction’s new fledgling state has proven a challenge to Hera’s
7. Jacen Syndulla – Kanan’s Legacy
Jacen Syndulla, the green-haired son of Kanan Jarrus and Hera Syndulla, was introduced in the final moments of Star Wars Rebels. His early life remains a mystery, but it’s possible that he played a role in the Battle of Exegol.
As we mentioned earlier, Hera adopted Jacen. The kid has made an appearance in Ahsoka, though he’s not quite old enough for most of the usual misadventures involved with being a Jedi.
8. Kanan Jarrus – The Jedi Knight
Kanan Jarrus, formerly known as Caleb Dume, survived Order 66 and became a Jedi Knight after training under Hera’s guidance. His sacrifice in Rebels left a profound impact on his fellow Spectres.
Though Kanan died in the Rebels while protecting Hera, Ezra, and Sabine, it might be possible for the Ahsoka series to explore Kanan’s past through time portals in the World Between Worlds, shedding light on his journey.
9. Sabine Wren – The Mandalorian Warrior
Sabine Wren, a Mandalorian artist and warrior, played a crucial role in the Ghost crew and, at one time, became the wielder of the Darksaber. Her adventures after the fall of the Empire, including reuniting with her family and assisting Bo-Katan Kryze, were some of the highlights of the Ahsoka series.
She’s become a headstrong Jedi student or Padawan under Ahsoka’s wing and tutelage. Sabine also retained her Mandalorian roots and upbringing despite fully committing to being a ‘Jedi.’
10. Ursa Wren – The Matriarch of House Wren
Ursa Wren, leader of House Wren and Sabine’s mother, played a pivotal role in the uprising against the Empire on Mandalore. Her fierce protectiveness of her family and her people made her a formidable character and one of the power players in the Mandalorian reclamation.
Currently, it seems Ursa Wren has maintained her allegiance with Bo-Katan in their effort to re-establish Mandalore as their faction capital. While she might not appear in Ahsoka, Ursa could have a bigger role in case Disney explores Mandalore more like it did in the series finale of The Mandalorian.