In this article:
- The SCP we typically think of as SCP 076 is actually SCP 076-2, one of two separate anomalies classified under SCP 076’s main file.
- The Foundation’s containment procedures for the components of SCP 076 involve the traditional containment of SCP 076-1 and employing SCP 076-2 as a Foundation operative.
- SCP 076-2 had a short stint as the leader of Mobile Task Force Omega 7, a group that is, no joke, the SCP Foundation’s version of the X-Men.
- SCP 076-2’s current whereabouts and the fate of Mobile Task Force Omega 7.
Few SCPs are popular enough to have hundreds of fan-made artworks made of them and it’s even rarer for an SCP to have its own dedicated ships. Somehow, SCP 076 manages to do both.
But when you ask fans of the SCP Foundation what they think SCP 076 is, they’re likely to tell you that SCP 076 is Abel, the first guy to get murdered in the Bible. And that’s the wrong answer.
Not only is Abel not the victim of the murder described in Genesis, he isn’t SCP 076. Instead, Abel is SCP 076-2, just one half of the whole anomalous equation.
What Exactly Is SCP 076?

SCP 076 is a Keter class SCP made up of two anomalous instances: SCP 076-1 and SCP 076-2.
SCP 076-1 is described as a 3-meter cube of black metamorphic stone carved with strange symbols that can’t be attributed to any civilization in human history, despite analysis showing that it’s 10,000 years old and would have existed around the time human civilizations did.
Now it’s easy to think that a stone structure carved with symbols is a religious artifact, but SCP 076-1 is really a coffin for SCP 076-2.
SCP 076-2 is what most personnel think of when they think of SCP 076. This anomaly is a human man of Semitic descent with dark hair, gray eyes, and olive skin. Standing at a height of 6’4″ and with a ripped, tattooed body, SCP 076-2 would not have looked out of place in a romance novel โ if only he wasn’t a bloodthirsty murderer who went into a blind rage every time he saw a human being.
If you can’t tell, that’s the reason why this SCP is categorized as a Keter.
So far, the only effective containment measure for SCP 076-2 is to kill him before he kills too many agents. Among the Foundation’s brilliant solutions have been shooting him to death, asphyxiating him, crushing him with an elevator, and stuffing a grenade in his chest.

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Otherwise, SCP 076-2 might add a feat to his record of supernatural shows of strength, including, but not limited to, surviving direct gunshots to the head, swatting assault-rifled caliber bullets out of his way, ripping open steel doors, and pulling bladed weapons out of thin air.
To put it simply, SCP 076-2 is the unapologetic Gary Stu of the SCP Foundation and like SCP 682, part of the reason he hasn’t been edited out is that he’s just too memorable for that fact.
How Was SCP 076 Found?

SCP 076 was discovered in Mongolia sometime in the 1800s by a team of English archaeologists. In Indiana Jones fashion, the SCP turns out to be cursed. When the team tried to bring SCP 076 back to England, their ship sunk, killing everyone on board.
SCP 076 was then recovered by a group that would later become the Global Occult Coalition or GOC, the SCP Foundation’s sworn enemies. But their possession of SCP 076 ended when SCP 076-2 awakened and escaped containment, killing all GOC operatives that were tasked with monitoring it.
Today, SCP 076 sits in Containment Area 25b, an underwater Foundation facility packed with security measures meant to thwart the anomalous effects of both SCP 076 instances.
Well, half of it. Though SCP 076-1 remains in Foundation custody, SCP 076-2 was recruited as an operative for Mobile Task Force Omega 7, X-Men of the SCP Foundation.
Mobile Task Force Omega 7 and the Adventures of SCP 076-2

Mobile Task Force Omega 7 was an experimental task force created in the early days of the SCP Foundation in an effort to get some use out of non-hostile (or at least, somewhat reasonable) SCPs whose powers allowed them to survive combat situations that regular human personnel wouldn’t.
Like SCP 076-2, the idea of the task force is extremely dated and different from tales and documents created after the SCP Foundation developed a distinctive style and tone. So instead of the grim, existential horror we’re used to getting from SCPs these days, Mobile Task Force Omega 7 read more like “X-Men but make it SCP Foundation themed.”
The reason for its existence and the head of the entire operation was none other than SCP 076-2 himself.
SCP 076’s addendum contains an incident log for Mobile Task Force Omega 7, the first entry for which is a psychological profile of SCP 076-2. There, it’s revealed that SCP 076-2 exhibits extreme callousness towards all living beings but has a bizarre “warrior’s honor” sense of morality.
Though he started out as hostile towards the Foundation, especially to an unnamed agent who managed his containment, he agreed to work as an operative.
SCP 076 reasoned that since he was bored in his cell and the agent he saw as his mortal enemy was now dead, he lost interest in fighting them. That didn’t stop the escape attempts, though.
So to keep SCP 076-2 from escaping, the Foundation offered him a compromise: if he works for them and trains Mobile Task Force Omega 7, he doesn’t have to stay in his cell. Provided that he wears a collar that will blow his head off if he tries to run away, of course.
SCP 076-2 agreed and began training a group of roughly 20 field agents personally selected by SCP 076-2 who is, by now, known as Subject Able. Among the agents recruited for Mobile Task Force Omega 7 was SCP 105 a.k.a “Iris Thompson,” a Safe class SCP with low reality-bending abilities.
Aside from SCP 076-2 and SCP 105, there are no canon members of the task force.
Where Is SCP 076-2 Now? And What Happened to Mobile Task Force Omega 7?

If you’ve been reading the tales and are wondering why no one is writing about Mobile Task Force Omega 7 or SCP 076 these days, it’s because the group has been disbanded, both within the fictional universe and in real life.
At some point in the Foundation’s shift towards the kind of content it makes today, stories like the ones involving SCP 076 fell out of favor and fewer writers were making new stories for them.
In the SCP Foundation universe, the explanation for that is because Able killed everyone in Mobile Task Force Omega 7, except for Iris.
There were a ton of problems evident in the task force proposal. Firstly, it was unreasonable for the SCP Foundation to think that none of the humanoid SCPs they coerced into working with them would just be okay with it. Second, SCP 076-2’s homicidal tendencies made him the least desirable choice for a leader.
An addendum attached to the project proposal for Mobile Task Force Omega 7 says: “For God’s sake, โโโโ, find these guys something to do. Able’s getting bored, and he’s started putting his team through live fire exercises: they get bullets, he gets training weapons. Have you ever seen someone break a man’s jaw using a Nerf sword? He’s not gonna stop until someone gets killed. – Dr. โโโโโ โ. โโโโโ”
Predictably, Able found a way to remove his collar, kill his team, and escape. To this day, the SCP Foundation has been unable to track him down.

As for SCP 105, her experience working under Able and being forced by the SCP Foundation to do their dirty work eventually led to her making an escape attempt with the help of a researcher.
She has since been recaptured and separated from SCP 105-B, a Polaroid camera that she uses to channel her reality-bending powers.
For obvious reasons, SCP 105 despises SCP 076 and he probably doesn’t even remember she exists. But their stint in Mobile Task Force Omega 7 is why you’ll often find Iris x Able fanart when you search for SCP 076. Go figure.
Gary stu character lol cringe SCP