If you’re a fan of the anime Bleach and the ever-growing world of RPGs, then you’re in for a treat with the latest Type Soul codes for August 2024. Developed with the spirit of adventure in mind, Type://Soul offers an immersive experience where the real fun begins after your character meets their demise.
To aid you in your afterlife adventures, these codes unlock various rewards, allowing you to customize your character and become stronger as an anime protagonist would.
Roblox Type Soul Codes for August

The Type Soul codes for August 2024 provide access to valuable rewards such as rerolls for elements, weapons, and even clan affiliation changes. Whether you’re aiming to refine your character’s abilities or explore different paths in the game, these codes are your ticket to a more enriching gameplay experience.
Here’s a comprehensive list of the working Type Soul codes for August 2024:
- wereached400mvisits: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Rerollย
- apologycode: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Rerollย
- classicat600amsaidcodeperoxidedidmygloriouskingdirty: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- cowoesorry: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- angrycanadian: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- cowoenuovaentvari: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- joshnosreppcristi: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- eduardocarrying: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- explodeincident: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- higuys: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- cctokenfix: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- tamastrikesagain: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- oops: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- myrobloxneedstostopcrashing: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- mreessay: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Rerollย (works in new servers)
- qkidoexpansion: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- oopscybers: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- tamacodesareback: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- myrobloxkeepscrashinghelp: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- 350mvisitsalright: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- 200klikeswoah: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- idontdotheseoften: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- bararaqgbincident: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- codeforvoonithestrongestsoulispeak: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- reallycooloriginalcodename: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- newbosseswow: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- youdidntexpectheretobeasecondonedidyou: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- doomaroomeneverexisted: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- blazblueincident: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- sorryhopethishelps: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- whereiskendoweapondude: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- latenightbruh: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- latenightfightnight: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- cristiqol: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- 300mvisits: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Rerollย (works in new servers only)
- whatdoesheevendo: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Rerollย (works in new servers only)
- tama62121: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Rerollย (works in new servers only)
- nuovarandomcode: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- entvari10k: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Rerollย (works in new servers only)
- windwake: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- tamarandomcode: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- timetravellermistake: Use for Purple Elixir and Powered Black Elixir
- cristi10k: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- thegreattypesoultrellolieisrealtyfor10kbtw: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- therewasnotruebankaiinthefirstplace: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- thisisnotsigma: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- gokuvsvegetasupersaiyanrapbattlebegin: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- ermwhatthetypesoul: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- yurrrrlistenman: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- causethatstheupdateineed: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- thereisnosuchthing: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Rerollย (KT servers)
- tweakinpostupdate: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Rerollย (KT servers)
- hellopiety: Use for 100 Weapon rerolls
- putthesefoolishambitionstorest: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- thatoneguyinvcaskedmeforthisonesoblamehim: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- lightningshunkoaftertwoyearslol: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- imnotnamingitthat: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- hqrsepowered: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- 2weekdelaywoah: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- 500kdiscmemberswoo: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- arrogantecristi5k: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- readysetboomxdgetitbecauseboomboominokwhateverheresacode: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- quincynerfagainleaveourracealonedude: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- 7staredwardnewgate: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- allaccordingtocake: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- codethatsenkumadecuzhesmakingsomethingtakethisgiftbecauseitsjustasimpleupdate: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- petgod101: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- skibidisigmastofighttheohiorizzler: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll (KT servers)
- code1: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- setrohadtoguesswhatthiscodewasnamed: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- jayomalawfirm: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- cursedgearruinsfriendships: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- senkuwascloudkageinjoedame: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- hakudanerfafter1000years: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- theresahiddennpcsomewhere: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- cyberpoint: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- brovisitedhisfriends: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- setroboominda: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- davehashit10kwow: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- tamaverified: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- Benihimebuff: Use for Rewards
- nosreppbestaustraliandeveloperinthewholeworld: Use for Rewards
- almightyeye: Use for Rewards
- breathlesspumpkle: Use for Rewards
- tsugokusenku: Use for Rewards
- thekiraeventparttwo: Use for Rewards
- thekiraevent: Use for Rewards
- 5minutesoffame: Use for Rewards
- nothinghappened: Use for Rewards
- newfaceswow: Use for Rewards
- 400kdiscmembers: Use for Rewards
- 160mvisits: Use for Rewards
- somethingrandom: Use for Rewards
- somethingrandom: Use for Rewards
- canyouwrap: Use for Rewards
- mobileflashpdโRedeem for Rewards
- johnboominggโRedeem for Rewards
- icanimaginesomeonesayingimnexttoatree: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- phase1: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- canyourecmeintodemonhunter: Use for 100 Rerolls
- myhopewillneverdie: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- johnbooming: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- gulliblelol: Use for 100 Rerolls
- threatneutralized: Use for Rewardsย (only works on new servers)
- robloxban: Use for 10 Rerolls
- lightsegunda: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- 100mlikes: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- afkworld: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- robotcowoe: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- soulianstreak: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- pleasegivemererollscodesimliterallystarvingoverhereimstuckwithacid: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- kamehamehax3: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- ididntgetopenedupiliterallyjustgottiredofblocking: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- khaoticyachty: Use Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- luisvonmarco: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- balancedbalance: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- supasta: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- nuovaprimadon: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- johnbooming: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- cowoe10k: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- sorryfortheinconvenienceee: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- eduardobrg10k: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- khaotic10k: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- nuova10k: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- delayedwhoops: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- bloodedged: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- ohwowcool: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- nuovalovesquincy: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- spiritgun: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- happyeaster: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- doomatearoom: Use for 5 Locked Element Rerolls, 5 Locked Clan Rerolls, and 5 Locked Weapon Rerolls
- mainmenufixes: Use for Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
- tradehub: Use for Locked Element Reroll and Locked Weapon Reroll
- happyhalloween: Use for a Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll
- newclanwargame: Use for an Element Reroll
You might want to hurry as not all of them are going to last. Some of them will expire after a certain amount of time, just like the codes below.
Expired Type Soul Codes

These codes are no longer working last we checked. Though you can come back and check in on this piece again as we’ll be updating it regularly.
- championshipandmasteryboxes
- rankedmidseason
- tamaiscool
- newcodeoldbugged
- watermelon
- sorryforthat
- midtermsover
- contentcoming
- haveagoodday
- slowpace
- thehonoredone
- triplethreat
- apologyforlate
- middayfixes
- 100kfavourites
- segundanextupdate
- fixedoldcode
- eumorningupdate
- latenightupdate
- updatecomingsoon
- 3shikaireroll
- 80klikes
- newgame
- shutdownsrry
- 55klikes
- tyforfollows
- 35klikes
- 20klikes
- 10klikes
- sorryforshutdown
Redeeming Your Rewards

Claiming your rewards is a simple process:
- Launch Type://Soul in Roblox.
- Click on the Gift button located in the upper left corner.
- Enter the desired code in the designated text box.
- Hit Enter to redeem your rewards and enhance your gameplay experience.
The process is the same regardless of your gaming platform.
Encountering issues with code redemption? Ensure that you’ve entered the codes correctly, as typos can invalidate them. Additionally, keep an eye on expiration dates, as expired codes won’t provide any benefits. If you encounter any inactive codes, let us know in the comments, and we’ll update our list accordingly.
Exploring the Afterlife
Type://Soul transports players into a world inspired by the beloved manga and anime series Bleach. Here, you’ll have to embrace the challenge of navigating the afterlife as you choose between becoming a Hollow, Quincy, or Soul Reaper.

By the way!
Did you know weโre launching a Kickstarter campaign? In the next few months, our campaign for โGentle Jack: The Party Game for Bad Friendsโ goes live! Visit the official website or follow the Kickstarter page to stay in the loop.
You can also engage in thrilling PvE and PvP battles, enhance your character’s skills, and conquer formidable foes on your journey to dominance.
Staying Updated
To stay ahead in Type://Soul and never miss out on the latest codes and updates, bookmark this article for easy reference. Alternatively, join the game’s official Discord server to stay informed about giveaways and special events where you can score additional rewards.
FAQ: Type Soul
What is Type://Soul?
Type://Soul is a Roblox game that immerses players in an action-packed ARPG (Action Role-Playing Game) experience set in a world inspired by the manga and anime series Bleach. Players assume the role of characters navigating the afterlife, engaging in battles, and progressing through various challenges.
What races can players choose from in Type://Soul?
Players in Type://Soul can choose from three distinct races: Hollows, Quincies, and Soul Reapers. Each race offers unique abilities, strengths, and playstyles, allowing players to tailor their gameplay experience to their preferences.
How does character progression work in Type://Soul?
Character progression in Type://Soul revolves around improving various attributes such as strength, agility, and spiritual energy. Players can enhance their characters by participating in battles, completing quests, acquiring new gear and abilities, and strategically allocating skill points.
Are there social features in Type://Soul?
Yes, Type://Soul incorporates social features that allow players to interact with one another, form alliances, and participate in group activities. Players can join guilds, chat with friends and other players, and collaborate on missions and battles for shared objectives.
Can players customize their characters in Type://Soul?
Yes, players have extensive customization options available to personalize their characters’ appearance, abilities, and playstyles. From selecting race and class to acquiring and upgrading equipment and skills, players can tailor their characters to suit their individual preferences and strategies.
Are there in-game events and special challenges in Type://Soul?
Yes, Type://Soul regularly hosts in-game events, special challenges, and seasonal festivities that offer unique rewards, bonuses, and opportunities for players to test their skills and earn exclusive items. These events often feature limited-time content and activities that enrich the gameplay experience.
How does the game’s storyline unfold in Type://Soul?
Type://Soul features an engaging storyline that unfolds through quests, dialogue, and narrative-driven events. Players embark on epic adventures, uncover mysteries, and confront powerful adversaries as they progress through the game’s richly detailed world and unravel its secrets.
[…] Redeeming Your Rewards · Launch Type://Soul in Roblox. · Click on the Gift button located in the upper left corner. · Enter the desired code in the … View full source […]