Among the many interesting trends that defined 2020, conspiracy theories seemed to really make themselves at home in the minds of Americans last year. Project Blue Beam is one such theory that gained a great deal of traction on the internet over the years.
While many of the most famous conspiracy theories, such as Pizzagate, Birds Aren’t Real, and QAnon, were born in the United States, Project Blue Beam actually seems to have started in French Canada.
(Scroll to the bottom for the TLDR explanation)
The theory claims to reveal plans by the New World Order — a shadowy organization that conspiracy theorists love to blame for all sorts of clandestine agendas and strange happenings — to replace the world’s religions with one universal religion. Theorists believe that this is a preliminary step in the New World Order’s quest to establish a global dictatorship under its rule.
While evidence to support this theory seems fairly scarce and unverifiable, it’s worth looking into what it is and where it came from. And although this theory seems quite extravagant and unlikely, even among other conspiracy theories, there are some plausible elements to the scheme that Project Blue Beam believers claim has already been set in motion.
What Is Project Blue Beam?
At a glance, Project Blue Beam is a series of steps to be carried out by the New World Order for the purpose of replacing the world’s religions with a singular religion and then using this religion to establish a global dictatorship. And while this is pretty straightforward, the way in which the New World Order is allegedly planning to do this may surprise you.
Some theorists claim that Project Blue Beam developed out of the Philadelphia experiments, an alleged series of experiments carried out by the U.S. military. These experiments apparently involved the U.S. military developing technology to make a U.S. naval ship invisible to enemy ships.
The theory of the Philadelphia experiments was spearheaded by Morris K. Jessup, a UFO researcher who also forwarded theories about secret societies of humans living in outer space.

Apparently, the world’s governments’ investigations into the limits of visual manipulation did not stop there. According to the Project Blue Beam theory, NASA and the United Nations then began developing technology that would be able to project images into the sky over the entire Earth.
The technology allegedly involved using satellites orbiting the Earth to project an image that could be seen by an entire nation or even the entire world. What was the purpose of this technology? To create a technologically simulated Second Coming of Christ and convince the world of the veracity of Christianity.

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According to the theory, once the world was united under a single religion, the New World Order would be able to more easily manipulate the minds of the people and replace the governments of the world with a single fierce dictatorship. And who was set to sit at the head of this new global dictatorship? The Antichrist, of course.
According to some theorists, the New World Order has already attempted to initiate Project Blue Beam several times, but has failed.
However, theorists have cited a video of a “floating city” in China as evidence that such large-scale holographic technology is indeed possible. Although Chinese media outlets did respond to this “floating city,” claiming that it was a complex mirage known as a Fata Morgana, reputable sources later said that the video was probably a hoax.

As most conspiracy theories do, the fantastical theory of Project Blue Beam has taken on a life of its own on the internet, with theorists linking the project to everything from UFO sightings to increased incidences of earthquakes. This theory, unlike many other online conspiracy theories, has a very easily identifiable source, however.
Origins of the Project Blue Beam Conspiracy Theory
The Project Blue Beam theory was originally conceived by Quebecois investigative journalist and conspiracy investigator Serge Monast. Monast founded the International Free Press Agency in the early 1990s and began publishing theories about the Freemasons and the New World Order, many of which were inspired by the writings of William Guy Carr.
In 1994, Monast published the book Project Blue Beam (NASA), which warns of the New World Order’s plans to establish a global government and details the steps they will take to do so. The book gained a notable following, and Monast even went on tour to speak about the book.
While Monast certainly coined the name “Project Blue Beam”, certain theorists have speculated on the theory’s similarity to Gene Roddenberry’s unreleased film script Star Trek: The God Thing as well as the 1991 Star Trek: The Next Generation episode “Devil’s Due”.

The true motivations of Serge Monast cannot be known. Was he truly convinced that the New World Order is trying to establish a universal religion and take over the world’s governments? Or was he simply repurposing an idea from Star Trek to write a successful book? You can decide that for yourself.
Stages of Project Blue Beam
According to Serge Monast’s Project Blue Beam (NASA), the replacement of the world’s religions with a universal religion is supposed to happen in a series of stages. The book outlines these stages very clearly.
The first step in Project Blue Beam is to break down all archeological knowledge in the world. Apparently, this step will consist of a series of earthquakes, during which the New World Order will fake archaeological findings that will negate the beliefs of most of humankind. This step is meant to weaken humanity’s faith in their current religions, particularly Christianity and Islam.
The second step involves the projection of a massive light show into the sky. Using lasers and 3D holograms, the New World Order will apparently project images of God, Jesus Christ, and the prophets into the sky. The general public will have no way of explaining these celestial images, and so the New World Order will claim them to be proof of their newly established religion.

The third step involves two-way electronic thought control, which will be used by the Antichrist to gain control over the masses. After the world’s religions have dissolved, the world will apparently spiral into chaos.
The Antichrist will apparently use additional technologies to disrupt weather patterns, cause epidemics, and generally exacerbate the chaos. Eventually, humanity’s only choice will be to give their undying devotion to the Antichrist and the New World Order, the only ones who can save them from total destruction.
The fourth and final step will involve supernatural manifestations using secret technology. In order to keep people faithful to the New World Order, our dictators will continue to use their projection technologies to simulate inexplicable happenings that will reinforce the world’s faith in the universal religion.
They will also simulate signs of a hostile alien invasion, which will serve to keep people in fear and make them believe that the New World Order is the only protection they have against the invaders.
While many conspiracy theorists online have claimed that these steps are already in motion, there is no solid evidence to suggest that any of these actions have been or will be executed. These are simply the steps outlined in Serge Monast’s book.
Should You Believe in Project Blue Beam?
Whether or not you should believe in Project Blue Beam is entirely up to you. While the term “conspiracy theory” can often carry a negative connotation, there are certainly conspiracy theories that may be partially or entirely true.
Additionally, all conspiracy theories exist on a spectrum of plausibility, with some being entirely possible and others being entirely ridiculous.
You should be cautious, however, about accepting everything you see on the internet at face value. The internet is filled with people who claim to have inside knowledge or to have researched things thoroughly, when in actuality they may have just read a post on Reddit or something.
Claims about conspiracy theories should not be accepted unless they are clearly verifiable.

If you’re truly interested in a conspiracy theory, it’s important to do thorough research so that you can decide for yourself whether that particular theory is true or not.
Many people fall into the trap of believing a conspiracy theory because they want it to be true or simply because it seems possible, rather than using the logical faculties of their brain to assess the claims of the theory. There are many aspects of conspiracy theories that could happen, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they are happening.
Doing your own research in a systematic and unemotional manner is the best way to decide whether or not a conspiracy theory is true.
The Project Blue Beam conspiracy theory stems from a book published in 1994 by Quebecois investigative journalist Serge Monast titled Project Blue Beam (NASA).
This book laid out a multi-stage plan that would be carried out by the New World Order to replace the religions of the world with one universal religion and install a global dictatorship.
Here are the stages of Project Blue Beam (as laid out in Serge Monast’s book):
Stage 1: Destroy all of the world’s archaeological knowledge through a series of man-made earthquakes. Then, provide fake archaeological findings that will negate the belief systems of most of mankind and weaken all global religions.
Stage 2: Project a massive light show over the entire Earth using lasers and 3D holograms and claim that they’re proof of the existence of God and Jesus Christ.
Stage 3: The Antichrist will gain control over the masses using two-way electronic thought control and dissolve all global religions, causing the world to spiral into chaos. At this time, the Antichrist will also use technology to cause extreme weather and pandemics.
Stage 4: Finally, the New World Order will create a universal religion that they will reinforce through simulated miracles. They will continue to project light shows into the sky, including a simulated alien invasion to keep people in fear and make them believe that the New World Order is their only chance of survival.
While this conspiracy theory is certainly entertaining, you should definitely be wary of believing it wholesale. Many have speculated that the events in Serge Monast’s book are strikingly similar to Gene Roddenberry’s film script for the unreleased film Star Trek: The God Thing as well as an episode of Star Trek: Next Generation titled “Devil’s Due”.
So, before you decide to believe that Project Blue Beam is taking place, use your logic and do the necessary research.
[…] Read More: Overview of Project Blue Beam […]
[…] i Novom svjetskom poretku kuliminirale su 1994. godine, kada je Monast objavio knjigu “Projekat Plavi zrak (NASA)“, po kojoj je nastala istoimena teorija. On je u knjizi predstavio niz koraka koje elita […]
I love this article. It’s well written and we’ll researched.
Seems plausible given the remarks of Claus Schwab over the past several years. The replacement religion is in place already under the general name “environmentalism”. “They” (the actual individuals are unimportant) will continue to manufacture global “crises” to pull control up to the international level. The World Health Organization will figure prominently, as well as the IMF and other such unelected yet “governing” bodies. The path forward seems to be to create fear of a common enemy, probably another pandemic, blame climate change, usurp the sovereignty of the nations to combat the pandemic, then retain that authority to impoverish the nations with wasteful green energy projects. The real control mechanisms are either in place or nearly ready. Publish the official narrative, censor the truth using news and tech companies (current capability). Indoctrinate and poorly educate the youth (ongoing for decades). Finally complete the transition away from cash to a programable digital currency (5 years time).
I just watched the Philadelphia experiment again today, and everything that you wrote about the blue beam project is going to come into fruition sooner than anyone thinks, fortunately I am a firm believer in God, and the bible is my guide, I pray that people wake up before it is too late, this was a good read, thank you
Very good reply, especially about the bible being our guide, as long as we remember, and study ONLY the bible and not follow the false shepherds that guide most protestant churches today. I fear that there will be many, what I call, so-called Christians, that will fall for some kind of great falsehood, whether this specific theory or something else, because they have not studied God’s Word on their own, but listen to the false teachings of their wayward shepherd. The words of Jesus in Matthew 7:21-23 come to mind. Look it up. Jesus is saying that there will be many who thought they were Christians, and were not, just as there were those who said they were Jews, and were not (Rev. 2:9, Rev. 3:9).
Bless your heart
Very true am from kenya but people here are traditional believers help me try change them we even don’t have enough bibles here
Pray for us in Kenya we are just sinners
I am just now learning about project blue beam. It seems to tie in with quite a few other beliefs & suspicions I have about what is really happening in our confusing world. I plan to learn more. John.
So… how do you explain away the recent formation of ‘Chrislam’ ?
Thats really a great one
Your name-calling is juvenile, and shows your bias. Many so-called conspiracy theories have ended up being true. The term “conspiracy theory” was invented by the CIA to discredit people who were telling the truth. Shame on you.