With the release of Genshin Impact’s Version 4.0 comes the anticipated Fontaine region as well as the continuation of the game’s Main Archon Quest and things are already off to an interesting start. Players see the arrival of the Traveler to the Nation of Hydro only to be quickly swept up in a mysterious murder mystery involving the stars (and new playable characters) of Act I ‘Prelude of Blancheur and Noirceur’, twin magicians Lyney and Lynette.
Dubbed as the ‘Elegance in the Shadows’, Lynette works as her brother’s assistant as they perform fantastical magical acts for the people of Fontaine. While her brother revels in the attention of the crowds, Lynette keeps a low profile—often avoiding the limelight and choosing to simply observe. She wields an Anemo vision and with sword in hand, she can perform tricks right before your very eyes.
Travelers will be able to obtain Lynette for free upon reaching Adventure Rank 25 in the game which makes her the perfect companion to explore Fontaine with and learn all about its new Pneumosia mechanic. This Lynette Genshin Impact guide will break the magician’s code to all the tips and tricks you need to make your Lynette ready for showtime.
Best Artifact Set for Lynette

Viridescent Venerer
The Viridescent Verer artifact set grants the following effects:
- 2-Piece Bonus: Anemo DMG Bonus +15%
- 4-Piece Bonus: Increases Swirl DMG by 60%. Decreases opponent’s Elemental RES to the element infused in the Swirl by 40% for 10s.
Just like any other Anemo characters, especially support, Lynette’s best artifact choice will be the 4-Piece of the Viridescent Venerer set. Since Lynette will be creating on-field and off-field Swirls, the resistance shred and bonus damage will be too good to pass up.
Noblesse Oblige
The Noblesse Oblige set gives the wearer the following effects:
- 2-Piece Bonus: Elemental Burst DMG +20%.
- 4-Piece Bonus: Using an Elemental Burst increases all party members’ ATK by 20% for 12s. This effect cannot stack.
Noblesse Oblige artifact set is a classic for burst-loving support characters. Since Lynette is an off-field support, pairing her with a set that provides a teamwide ATK buff will be the perfect combination to push the whole team’s damage output further.
Artifact Stats to Prioritize
Lynette’s stat priority will differ depending on what play style you’ve chosen to use. Listed below are the stat priorities that would generally work for an all-around play style:
- Anemo DMG Bonus (Goblet)
- CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG (Circlet or substats)
- ATK% or Energy Recharge (Sands or substats)
- Elemental Mastery (Optional for Sands / substats)
Lynette can function as a sub-DPS support character that can deal damage from both onstage and behind the scenes. For a support, she surprisingly has good damage scaling which makes having Anemo DMG bonus and ATK% a must if you want to amplify her damage. She also enjoys having a lot of Energy Recharge to ensure her Burst’s uptime. Ideally, a minimum of 220% Energy Recharge is necessary to have her Burst ready per rotation. Elemental Mastery can also be viable to improve the damage of her elemental reactions.
For those who favor using the Favonius Sword, aiming for at least 40% CRIT Rate will make her critical strikes more consistent for both damage and its weapon effect. As always, a 1:2 ratio is optimal for CRIT stats. If you prefer for Lynette to be a reaction based support, you can simply equip Elemental Mastery on all her artifacts but keep in mind the minimal 220% Energy Recharge threshold for optimal Elemental Burst uptime.

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Best Weapons for Lynette

A magician requires the right tools for their performances. If you’re looking for the premium options, here’s what we recommend using for Lynette:
- Skyward Blade (Energy Recharge) – CRIT Rate increased by 4%. Gains Skypiercing Might upon using an Elemental Burst: Increases Movement SPD by 10%, increases ATK SPD by 10%, and increases the DMG of Normal and Charged Attack hits by 20% for 12s.
Lynette has a high Elemental Burst cost of 70 and would love to have as much Energy Recharge as possible to charge her Elemental Burst. Luckily, Skyward Blade offers not only a good amount of Energy Recharge as its secondary stat but also has a high base ATK and a useful passive for a sub-DPS build.
- Freedom Sworn Sword (Elemental Mastery) – Increases DMG by 10%. When characters with Freedom-Sworn trigger Elemental Reactions, they gain a Sigil of Rebellion (once every 0.5s). This triggers even if they aren’t on the field. When you reach 2 Sigils, they will be consumed which grants nearby party members 20% ATK and 16% Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attack DMG for 12s. Once triggered, you gain no Sigils for 20s. The same buffs from the Millennial Movement series does not stack.
As an Anemo support that can consistently enable Elemental Reactions, Freedom Sworn will be one of the best choices of weapon as it improves the elemental reaction’s damage while also giving the whole party a hefty ATK% buff.
- Light of Foliar Incision (CRIT DMG) – CRIT Rate is increased by 4%. After Normal Attacks deal Elemental DMG, the Foliar Incision effect will be obtained, increasing DMG dealt by Normal Attacks and Elemental Skills by 120% of Elemental Mastery. This effect will disappear after 28 DMG instances or 12s. You can obtain Foliar Incision once every 12s.
Upon obtaining Constellation 6, Lynette gains Anemo infusion in her Normal Attacks can fully be an on-field DPS that can consistently Swirl. Light of Foliar Incision will be the best 5-Star for a DPS build as it grants Lynette overall buff to her kit, giving her extra Elemental Mastery and CRIT Rate along with the high CRIT DMG second stat.
Budget Alternatives

If all your 5-Star swords are already being used by other characters, Lynette can still do perfectly well with the 4-Star options we have. Listed below are the budget alternatives that would be good for general use.
- Sacrificial Sword (Energy Recharge) – After dealing damage to an opponent with an Elemental Skill, the skill has a 40% chance to end its own CD. Can only occur once every 30s.
Due to her Elemental Burst’s expensive energy cost, Sacrificial Sword easily hits the top spot for best swords as it gives one of the highest base Energy Recharge for a sword and a passive that could let Lynette reset her Elemental Skill, doubling the damage and Energy particles she can get. This sword also gets even better with higher refinements.
- Fleuve Cendre Ferryman(Energy Recharge) – Increases Elemental Skill CRIT Rate by 8%. Additionally, increases Energy Recharge by 16% for 5s after using an Elemental Skill.
For Free to Play Travelers, this is one of the easiest obtainable weapons that you can get for Lynette. Granted, you’ll have to invest some time fishing around Fontaine to get it. It has a decent Base ATK, Energy Recharge as its secondary stat, and a very useful effect for big damage dealing Elemental Skills. All of these go wonderfully with Lynette’s kit.
- Xiphos’ Moonlight (Elemental Mastery) – The following effect will trigger every 10s: The equipping character will gain 0.036% Energy Recharge for each point of Elemental Mastery they possess for 12s, with nearby party members gaining 30% of this buff for the same duration. Multiple instances of this weapon can allow this buff to stack. This effect will still trigger even if the character is not on the field.
For players that would like to play Lynette as an off-field Elemental reactor with her Burst, Xiphos’ Moonlight will do the trick for them. Not only does it give a lot of Elemental Mastery but it also gives its wielder Energy Recharge for every Elemental Mastery a character has. This is perfect for off-field characters that need to have their burst online most of the time.
Lynette’s Talent Priorities

If you’re running low on some resources, knowing which skills to prioritize is crucial to get the best out of her. Level her talents in this order for efficiency:
- Magic Trick: Astonishing Shift (Elemental Burst) – Lynette will toss her hat and summon a Bogglecat Box that taunts enemies and cause Swirl reactions in an AoE for 12s. If the Bogglecat Box comes in contact with an Element it can Swirl, it will absorb the corresponding Element and will fire Vivid Shots that deal the said Element, dealing more damage. Due to Lynette’s passive, activating Elemental Burst will also grant the whole team an ATK% buff.
- Enigmatic Feint (Elemental Skill) – Lynette has a Press and Hold version of this skill. Pressing it, Lynette will quickly thrust her sword forward, dealing a burst of Anemo damage to enemies struck. Holding will make her quickly dash for 2.5s dealing Anemo DMG to enemies hit. When the duration ends, Lynette ends with a thrust just like her Press version.
- Rapid Ritesword (Normal Attack) – Performs a swift 4 normal strikes with her sword. If held down, she will consume stamina to perform 2 rapid strikes, dealing physical damage. This should be maxed last assuming you don’t have her full constellation to build her as DPS.
You can end Lynette’s Skill early by pressing it again. As a Fontaine character, Lynette has the alignment of Ousia. When you use her Elemental Skill, she will also release a Surging-Blade along the thrust at specific intervals, dealing Ousia-aligned Anemo DMG. Additionally, Lynette’s Burst can snapshot buffs which is a huge plus.
Lynette Team Compositions and Synergies

While Lynette can be flexed to a lot of possible team compositions as an Anemo support, there are a few standouts where she can perform and shine the best. Like her role as the magician’s assistant in lore, her play style in combat revolves around her Elemental Burst’s ability to taunt enemies, allowing Hyper-carries to shine on their floor time. Below are the list of characters Lynette can synergize with very well:
- Lyney (Her twin-brother, the Pyro DPS that would carry the team with the help of Lynette’s Burst)
- Xiangling (Off-field Pyro sub-DPS for Pyro swirls and reactions)
- Bennett (Massive ATK buffer and a decent Pyro applier and healer)
- Raiden Shogun (One of the best Burst to keep the whole team’s burst full charged and a good off-field electro support)
- Fischl (Budget Electro sub-DPS and Electro applier)
- Sangonomiya Kokomi (Great Hydro applier and healing)
- Yelan (More exploration dashes, great damage amplifier and a strong Hydro sub-DPS)
- Rosaria (Perfect for Cryo absorption of Lynette’s Burst for Melt and Freeze teams)
A couple of her best teams are reaction based teams such as a Taser team or Elemental Soup teams where her Swirl reactions can perform a plethora of colorful numbers on screen. Lynette is a free 4-Star character which makes her easily accessible to play and very convenient for exploring Fontaine. Not to mention that her smooth animations give players a taste of what to expect from Fontaine’s roster of playable characters. She may not like taking center stage as much as her brother but Lynette proves that it takes a good support like her for the team to put on an amazing performance.