It’s not surprising that many of Genshin Impact’s players consider the region of Mondstadt as their home. Not only is it the first region of Teyvat that we are introduced to, there’s a lot to love about Mondstadt. The City of Freedom is home to iconic landscapes, interesting lore, and a lovable cast of playable characters. It is also home to the illustrious Knights of Favonius led by Jean, one of the seven 5-Star characters that players can obtain from the standard pool.
Jean is known as the Dandelion Knight, wielding the power of Anemo as she leads the day-to-day operations of the Knights of Favonius as its Acting Grand Master. With her healing breeze and gales that can launch enemies up in the air, you can always rely on Jean to have your back, no matter how overworked she is.
You won’t need to call upon Barbatos to help guide you on how to play Jean because we’ve got you covered. From her best artifacts down to her team compositions, this Jean Genshin Impact guide covers all the important bits that you’ll need to know.
The Best Artifacts for Jean

Artifact sets will differ depending on what role you want Jean to play in your team compositions. In general, Jean works best when equipped with the following sets:
Viridescent Venerer
The Viridescent Venerer grants its wearer these effects:
- 2-Piece Bonus – Anemo DMG Bonus +15%
- 4-Piece Bonus – Increases Swirl DMG by 60%. Decreases opponent’s Elemental RES to the element infused in the Swirl by 40% for 10s.
The Viridescent Venerer is the go-to for all Anemo characters. This is mostly because of its 4-Piece Bonus, which not only improves their Swirl DMG by quite a lot but also allows them to shred their opponents’ elemental resistances, a supportive ability that can significantly contribute to the party’s overall damage. Jean can consistently make use of this with her skill’s short cooldown and her field lingering ultimate.
Gladiator’s Finale
The Gladiator’s Finale set gives the following bonuses:
- 2-Piece Bonus – ATK +18%.
- 4-Piece Bonus – If the wielder of this artifact set uses a Sword, Claymore, or Polearm, it increases their Normal Attack DMG by 35%.
Even as a healer support, Jean can deal decent damage with her kit due to her healing scaling with her ATK stat. Artifact sets like Gladiator’s Finale, Shimenawa’s Reminiscence, and other sets that grant an ATK bonus become great options for Jean in general. We’re highlighting Gladiator’s Finale in particular because her normal attacks do have great damage multipliers.
Artifact Stats to Prioritize
Try to get as much of these stats as possible on Jean’s artifacts:
- CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG (Circlet and substats)
- Anemo DMG (Goblet)
- ATK% (Sands and subtests)
- Elemental Mastery (Sands and substats)
- Energy Recharge (Substats)
Players can utilize either the typical ATK%/CRIT/Anemo setup or a Triple Elemental Mastery setup for the main stats of Jean’s artifacts. The first build leans into improving the damage of her personal attacks and skills, while the second build focuses on boosting the damage output of her Swirl reactions. As always, you’ll want a 1:2 crit ratio on characters. For Jean specifically, reaching 2.0k ATK on her is ideal as this gives a good weight to her strikes but also enhances her healing

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For her substats, Jean only ever needs additional ATK%, Elemental Mastery, and a little bit of Energy Recharge. It’s not worth running an Energy Recharge artifact on her since Jean can reduce her energy requirements through her weapon choice or teammate.
Best Weapons for Jean

Though Aquila Favonia does go thematically with Jean’s aesthetics, it’s not as universal of a pick as it’s only best for her when she’s built to deal Physical Damage. For those who would like for Jean to fill in for a more supportive role, this section elaborates on the weapons that she’d prefer for each build:
- Primordial Jade Cutter (CRIT Rate) – HP increased by 20%. Additionally, provides an ATK Bonus based on 1.2% of the wielder’s Max HP.
The Primordial Jade Cutter stands out as the best sword if we’re just basing on stats alone. With its hefty 44.1% CRIT Rate stat, Jean would only need a little more CRIT Rate in her substats to make her Elemental Skill and Burst cast to contribute a little more damage. Even if the HP passive does not increase her healing capabilities like her sister Barbara, it makes Jean a safe and durable support that can take more than just a few hits before enemies can take her down.
- Freedom-Sworn (Elemental Mastery) – Increases DMG by 10%. When the character wielding this weapon triggers Elemental Reactions, they gain a Sigil of Rebellion. This effect can be triggered once every 0.5s and can be triggered even if said character is not on the field. When you possess 2 Sigils of Rebellion, all of them will be consumed, and all nearby party members will obtain “Millennial Movement: Song of Resistance” for 12s. “Millennial Movement: Song of Resistance” increases Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attack DMG by 16% and increases ATK by 20%. Once this effect is triggered, you will not gain Sigils of Rebellion for 20 seconds. Of the many effects of the “Millennial Movement,” buffs of the same type will not stack.
For players who are running a Sunfire Jean composition, Freedom-Sworn jumps significantly ahead as the best pick. It grants Jean a lot of Elemental Mastery, which is her most important stat in that specific build, and it gives her a decent amount of ATK to boot. She can also take advantage of its other effects due to her Elemental Burst continuously enabling elemental reactions with Swirl and the field persisting even if Jean is not the active character.
- Skyward Blade (Energy Recharge) – CRIT Rate increased by 4%. Gains Skypiercing Might upon using an Elemental Burst: Increases Movement SPD by 10%, increases ATK SPD by 10%, and Normal and Charged hits deal additional DMG equal to 20% of ATK. Skypiercing Might lasts for 12s.
The Skyward Blade is a decent sword to equip on Jean if you find your party struggling with energy for her Elemental Burst. It’s got a great amount of base ATK, which does improve Jean’s healing and a lot of small bonuses tied to her Burst. While its effects are underwhelming compared to the other swords we’ve discussed so far, Skyward Blade is more readily available as it’s part of the standard banner’s pool of 5-Star drops instead of being in the limited weapons banner.
Budget Alternatives

If you don’t have an expansive armory of limited 5-Star weapons, don’t fret. There are a lot of decent substitutes that Jean can wield perfectly fine, and they don’t require a lot of luck or resources to obtain either.
- Amenoma Kageuchi (ATK%) – After casting an Elemental Skill, gain 1 Succession Seed. This effect can be triggered once every 5s. The Succession Seed lasts for 30s. Up to 3 Succession Seeds may exist simultaneously. After using an Elemental Burst, all Succession Seeds are consumed, and after 2s, the character regenerates 6 Energy for each seed consumed.
Not only is Amenoma Kageuchi Jean’s best budget alternative, but it’s also one of the friendliest options for free-to-play players. By completing the Inazuman World Quest ‘The Farmer’s Treasure,’ players can obtain its diagram to craft this weapon at the Blacksmith’s. Its weapon effect is geared towards helping its wearer charge their Elemental Burst through consistent Skill casts, which synergizes well with Jean’s playstyle. The ATK% scaling it has is just the icing on top of this fantastic weapon.
- Iron Sting (Elemental Mastery) – Dealing Elemental DMG increases all DMG by 6% for 6s. Max 2 stacks. Can only occur once every 1s.
The Iron Sting is a more straightforward version of the 5-Star Freedom-Sworn sword. It can increase the overall damage of a team when used in a Swirl reaction which is the bread and butter of Sunfire Jean. It may not give as much base ATK and Elemental Mastery as its premium counterpart, but this difference is mostly compensated by how easy it is to get an Iron Sting, as it is another craftable sword.
- Favonius Sword (Energy Recharge) – CRIT hits have a 60% chance to generate a small amount of Elemental Particles, which will regenerate 6 Energy for the character. Can only occur once every 12s.
The Favonius weapon series is a great set for supportive characters like Jean. Equipping your Jean with the Favonius Sword not only helps her own energy recharge but the whole team as well, considerably cutting down on the amount of energy your team needs for their Elemental Bursts. This weapon pairs well with teams that would like to spam their bursts as much as possible.
Skill Priorities for Jean

We would recommend prioritizing Jean’s skills in this order:
- Dandelion Breeze (Elemental Burst) – Jean creates a swirling Dandelion Field that launches surrounding enemies and deals Anemo DMG. This field also instantly heals the entire party and will continue to regenerate characters’ HP whenever they are inside the AoE.
- Gale Blade (Elemental Skill) – Jean focuses wind around her blade before releasing this miniature storm, launching opponents in the direction she aims at, dealing massive Anemo DMG. This skill can be held at the cost of continued stamina consumption to pull enemies and objects toward her. Its direction can also be adjusted.
- Favonius Bladework (Normal Attack) – Jean performs 6 consecutive strikes (normal). Consuming a certain amount of stamina will allow Jean to launch an opponent into the air (charged).
Jean’s Elemental Burst benefits the most from having its talent level improved as it affects not just her damage but also her healing, both with its initial heal and the continuous health regeneration within her Dandelion Field. Jean’s main energy source is the particles she gets from casting her Skill. The levels might not affect how much energy she gets; it at least tacks a decent chunk of damage on a skill that does not have a long cooldown. It’s safe to leave her normal attacks for last, especially if Jean herself will not take a lot of floor time in your team composition rotations.
Jean Team Comps

Jean is a fantastic healer who can bail her teammates out of sticky situations with her teamwide instant healing. She’s also capable of soloing some difficult challenges due to how great her self-sustain is in both her Elemental Burst and Normal Attacks. The only glaring weakness that Jean has is her ability to provide crowd control, which admittedly pales in comparison to other Anemo characters. However, she does compensate for this with her amazing role compression (a bulky healer that can consistently heal and trigger Swirl reactions) that allows her to flexibly slot into any team composition that might need her aid.
The Acting Grand Master of the Favonius Knights can join these recruits in their adventures:
- Bennett (There is no Sunfire Jean without Bennett’s ult)
- Xiao (To keep this jumping yaksha healthy)
- Raiden Shogun (The best Elemental Burst spam enabler)
- Kazuha (more Swirl reactions, more fun)
- Xingqui (A Hydro applier for various elemental reactions)
- Dori (A Sunfire teammate that can provide energy recharge and extra healing)
- Fischl (An amazing off-field Electro support)
- Rosaria (can pair well with her in a Freeze team)
Jean’s great at letting elemental reactions like Vaporize, Overload, or Electro-Charge persist on the field due to her ultimate’s long duration. While she may not be the premium pick for a healer in team compositions that rely heavily on Dendro, she can be a suitable replacement. Whether she’s fighting on the frontlines or ensuring her allies do not fall in battle, Jean is a solid pickup for any player’s account at any point in the game.