The U.S. and Canada are full of unique landscapes forcing life to adjust in unique ways. Here are 7 animals only found in the U.S. and Canada.

The U.S. and Canada are full of unique landscapes forcing life to adjust in unique ways. Here are 7 animals only found in the U.S. and Canada.
If you’ve ever been to one of the tropical regions of the world, someone or other has probably told you to keep an eye out for banana spiders. So, why is everyone avoiding banana spiders and the banana trees they live in? Are banana spiders venomous? The answer is yes and no.
The Last of Us is a compelling television show set in a post-apocalyptic timeline. But how likely is the fungal pandemic that caused it to happen in real life?
by Marga Luna
There are some pretty weird creatures lurking in the deep ocean but perhaps the creepiest is the giant sea cockroach.
There are tons of badass animals out there, but which ones would hold the title belt if they were to fight head-to-head? This is the battle of the beasts.
Black panthers are the result of a condition called melanism in leopards and jaguars. But is being a black panther or a normal big cat better for survival?
Nearly all birds have their own unique call. But can they understand what birds of another species are saying?
We love all trees. They literally make our lives possible. But let’s take a look at the tallest tree in the world along with the oldest, widest, and overall biggest.
I had the opportunity to hike Volcan Baru, the tallest peak in Panama. I’m writing this with sore legs and a full heart.
Imagine getting stung by an executioner wasp. Well, YouTuber Coyote Peterson doesn’t have to imagine; he’s done it. On purpose.
If you thought Usain Bolt was fast, you’re going to be blown away by how the speeds at which some of the fastest animals in the world can move.
Bats have gotten a bad reputation from coronavirus, but these pictures of cute bats might just change your mind about these awesome animals.
If you thought your buddy who can bench press 225 pounds was the strongest animal in the world, you were wrong. These are the 6 strongest animals out there.
Earth is populated with some incredible creatures. Some are cute and cuddly, and some of them are just downright scary. Here are 7 scary animals to keep you awake at night.
Every year, scientists discover a bunch of amazing new species. From tiny octopuses to even tinier chameleons, here are a few that they’ve discovered so far in 2021.
While it may not look like much from the ground, the Richat Structure (also known as the Eye of the Sahara) is absolutely breathtaking when viewed from space.
If you’re ever walking around Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, make sure to bring your UV flashlight with you. You just might spot some Yooperlites.
If the dramatic lifestyle changes resulting in quarantines and social distancing taken in 2020 has proven anything it has reminded how much people need to interact with others and be a part of the environment to thrive.
A group of 35 fishermen recently found a chunk of ambergris (aka whale vomit) worth $1.5 million. What is ambergris and what makes this stuff so valuable?
The first known report of a large brood of cicadas emerging from the ground was recorded by William Bradford, the governor of the Plymouth Colony in modern-day Massachusetts, in 1633. Bradford described the brood as making a “constant yelling noise” and that they were “ready to deafen the hearers.” The citizens of the Plymouth Colony […]
In the depths of the ocean, an immortal jellyfish with the power to transform itself back into an infant may hold the secret for life-changing medical advances.
Scientists have come a long way in learning about how human beings communicate with each other. Obviously, we can talk and use sign language. We can read and write. We can send each other GIFs and emojis to express our emotions toward a meme. One method of communication that scientists have recently begun to dig […]
The land of ladyboy cabarets, massive mountaintop Buddha statues, ping pong shows, and roadside fried insect vendors, the Kingdom of Thailand can feel like both an idyllic island paradise and a bad acid trip at times to the Western traveler. Most visitors tend to follow a generally similar route through the country: fly into Bangkok […]
Kangaroo Island, which sits a few miles off the coast of South Australia, is widely renowned by the scientific community as an ecological haven. Separated from the mainland around 10,000 years ago by rising seas, the island environment has facilitated the evolution of species that can’t be found anywhere else in the world. The terrain […]