Why are clowns so goddamn terrifying? Okay, they’re not that terrifying, but somewhere in history, they changed from classic entertainers into nightmare fuel for children and adults. It’s hard to pin down when this happened exactly, but one can only assume that John Wayne Gacy, Stephen King’s It, and The Poltergeist all gave life to the “killer clown” archetype.
John Wayne Gacy was a serial killer that raped and murdered young boys and men in the 70s. He was also an entertainer for children and dressed up as… you guessed it— a clown. Stephen King’s It and The Poltergeist featured horrific clowns that preyed on children and were flat-out terrifying for their time.
Over the last forty years, more and more killer clown movies and antagonists have popped up in film and TV, but to be honest, most of them suck. There are a lot of B and C killer clown horror movies out there that just aren’t worth your time. That said, there are some gems hidden in the rough. Here are 11 of the best creepy killer clown movies to watch the next time you’re looking to scratch that itch.
It (1990)

Starting the list off with a classic is the first film adaptation of It by Stephen King. The book itself is an absolute monster and is probably longer than the bible (it sure feels like it). It’s still a great book, but you could definitely cut out a bunch of chapters, and it would still be just as good. While the 1990 version of It is technically a two-part miniseries, it’s often watched as just one 3-hour movie.
If you’re unfamiliar with the plot of It, there is essentially an inter-dimensional being that takes the form of a clown to attract children before killing and eating them. It’s been living underneath the town of Derry, Maine, for centuries and comes alive every two decades or so to feast on children.
Tim Curry plays the killer clown in this version and absolutely kills it. He manages to be creepily terrifying yet humorous at times— like a clown should be. It is a film from the 1990s, so some effects don’t exactly hold up, but it’s still a great killer clown movie to see if you haven’t already.
It: Chapter One (2017) and It: Chapter Two (2019)

If you’ve seen the original and weren’t too pleased, you need to give this one a shot. It has way more gore and a higher production value. The special effects, sets, music, and acting has been drummed up a few notches in this version. While Tim Curry’s Pennywise is iconic, Bill Skarsgård’s is a whole new level of terrifying.
If you’ve seen the original and are on the fence about watching It again, just watch this video of the initial meeting between Pennywise and Georgie. Everything from the way Skarsgård smiles to how his demeanor changes as Georgie reaches into the sewer just screams horrifying. The original doesn’t show Pennywise killing Georgie, but the remake leaves nothing to the imagination when it comes to a killer clown eating a child.
All Hallow’s Eve (2013)

If you’re a fan of killer clowns and found-footage films, All Hallow’s Eve will scratch both of those itches. All Hallow’s Eve takes place on Halloween and follows a babysitter who has just finished taking two kids out trick-or-treating when she discovers an unmarked VHS inside their bags. The tape contains three different stories, all connected by a killer clown named Art.
As the babysitter puts the kids to bed and watches the VHS, she realizes it’s more than just a random tape. It’s a creepy anthology found-footage killer clown movie; what more could you want?

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Terrifier (2016)

A 2016 sequel of sorts that focuses more on Art the Clown than an anthology tape, Terrifier was made on a tight budget but was praised for its special effects and acting. The writing leaves a bit to be desired, but all-in-all, it’s a decent killer clown flick to check out if you liked All Hallow’s Eve. You don’t necessarily have to watch All Hallow’s Eve before watching Terrifier since they’re not connected. If you like it, you can check out the sequel that was released in 2022.
Clown (2014)

Clown is another killer clown movie where the clown seeks out children and tries to eat them, only this time, the clown isn’t what you’d expect. After the clown he hired for his kid’s birthday party doesn’t show, a father decides to put on a clown suit he found in the basement of the house.
After falling asleep after the party in the suit, he realizes he cannot take it off, and the suit is slowly becoming one with him. The suit is made from the skin of an ancient Icelandic demon, and a price must be paid if the father wants to take the suit off. Clown is a fresh take on the killer clown archetype and should definitely be on your watch list if it isn’t already.
Killer Klowns From Outer Space (1988)

If you’re looking for something truly terrifying, you might want to skip this one, but Killer Klowns From Outer Space is such a classic killer clown movie that it had to be included on this list. This movie is a cult classic of 80s horror with great practical effects and costumes. Even today, the rubber suits the alien clowns wear still look decent. While the film relies more on comedy than horror, there are still a number of creepy moments in the film that catch you by surprise.
If you haven’t seen it yet, the film is about a spaceship that lands on Earth in a small town. The spaceship looks like a circus tent, and the aliens themselves look like creepy circus clowns. The “Klowns” use popcorn guns, a balloon dog, ray guns, shadow puppets, and more to kill or capture the locals and encase them in cotton candy for eating later. If you haven’t seen it yet but love 80s horror, this should be at the top of your list.
Poltergeist (1982)

Native American burial grounds and horror— name a more iconic duo. While the main antagonist in this movie is a malevolent spirit that has been disturbed, there is an iconic scene with a clown doll that no doubt led to the rise in killer clown horror movies. Even if the doll didn’t come alive and try to kill Robbie, it is absolutely terrifying, and I have no idea why a parent would buy that for their child.
Hell House LLC (2015)

Another found-footage horror film, Hell House LLC, features some damn creepy clowns. The movie is poised as a documentary of sorts about a haunted house that somehow caused the deaths of 15 people five years ago. A crew is investigating the abandoned haunted house along with the help of a survivor from that very night. The clowns themselves are eerily creepy, and the whole time you’re just waiting for them to jump out and grab someone.
Haunt (2019)

Haunt is a slasher film about a haunted house gone wrong. As a group of friends enters the haunted house, they soon find that their nightmares have come to life. A group of different masked individuals chases them throughout the haunted house, picking them off one by one. The film itself got decent reviews and even was the most-watched movie premiere on Shudder, a streaming service that focuses on horror and thrillers.
House of 1000 Corpses (2003)

Rob Zombie wrote and directed this comedy horror film that was inspired by films of the 70s like The Texas Chain Saw Massacre and The Hills Have Eyes. The film features one of the more notorious killer clowns in cinema, Captain Spaulding. While he doesn’t have a ton of screen time in the movie, he still became iconic and even appeared in the sequels The Devil’s Rejects and 3 From Hell.
To Catch a Killer (1992)

It only makes sense to cap this list off with a documentary about an actual killer clown— John Wayne Gacy. Gacy murdered and raped over thirty young men and buried them in his crawlspace or yard. He’s commonly associated with clowns since he used to work as a performing clown. Gacy had two personas, Pogo the Clown and Patches the Clown, both would become the most famous clowns in history.
To Catch a Killer looks at the events leading up to his arrest, along with the trial and his eventual sentence to death. Gacy is responsible for heinous crimes, and the rise in the archetype of killer clowns in movies and media is almost certainly related to him. If you want to step into the world of a real-life killer clown, To Catch a Killer or any other Gacy documentary should be on the top of your list.
Wrap Up
Hopefully, you found one new movie on this list of the best killer clown movies to watch. There aren’t exactly a lot of good killer clown movies out there, but there seems to be a revival of the subgenre in the last decade. We can only hope that more killer clown movies get made in the coming years, as this is a genre of horror that needs more attention.