Hot on the heels of the colossal triumph of the inaugural Super Mario Bros. Movie, the dynamic duo behind the franchise, Nintendo, and the animation powerhouse Illumination, have unveiled plans for a new cinematic venture steeped in the enchanting universe of Super Mario Bros.
“This is Miyamoto.” is how Shigeru Miyamoto, the legendary creator behind the series, began his tweet on Nintendo’s official Twitter handle. “We are now creating a new animated film based on the world of Super Mario Bros.“
Miyamoto stated, “This film is planned for release in theaters on April 3rd, 2026 in the US and many other markets, and throughout the month of April in other territories. We’ll let you know the details once we’re ready to share more. This time too, the staff at Illumination and Nintendo are working together. We’re thinking about broadening Mario’s world further, and it’ll have a bright and fun story. We hope you’ll look forward to it!”
Returning to the helm are Illumination’s CEO Chris Meledandri and the visionary Miyamoto, serving as producers. The directorial duo of Aaron Horvath and Micheal Jelenic, alongside screenwriter Matthew Fogel, are also making a comeback to weave the new tale.